Elections in Egypt are scheduled to take place on the 23rd and the 24th of May and the handing over of power to civilian rule on the 1st of July. They will be the first elections after the post Mubarak era. Many term it as the first real elections in Egypt.
However a draft bill has been approved by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces aimed at limiting the candidates for the presidential elections. The new law bars all the senior officials who have served the Mubarak regime from standing as candidates in the upcoming elections. Debate over the law is vibrant.
Eyebrows are raised over the constitutionality of the law that many believe is aimed at revoking Ahmed Shafiq’s eligibility in the forthcoming elections. Since he announced his intention to be a candidate, the law governing political rights was hastily modified in parliament dominated by the Islamists. Shafiq once served as a Prime Minister for a short period of time before resigning after coming under heavy criticism.
Besides, if the Higher Presidential Election Commission (HPEC) officially announces its final list of candidates before the law is announced, Mr. Shafiq can stand for the elections. The contrary will disqualify him according to legal experts. His party continues to campaign as usual since the HPEC hasn’t informed them of any abnormalities with the candidate or his dossier.
Amr Moussa who served as a foreign minister during the Mubarak era before becoming the Arab League’s Secretary General is not worried about his candidature because ministerial posts are not concerned.
The law is yet to be announced on an official gazette with the HPEC set to release the final of candidates on Thursday.
Egypt: A new law for the elections