Hezbollah conscious of “dangerous consequences for Lebanon”

Lebanon-HezbollahAfter a month since it was accused of receiving chemical weapons from Assad, Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has in a televised interview refuted the claims as bogus because of the repercussions it will have on Lebanon. Israeli intelligence said it is aware that the group is interested in other weapons and ammunitions from Syria but not chemical weapons. The military equipment supplies to Hezbollah are reported to be part of a deal for the group to fight alongside the pro-Assad military against the rebels. Nasrallah also invited the Middle Eastern countries supporting the rebels to reconsider their decision.
The Syrian National Coalition opposition group claimed that Damascus transferred some of its chemical weapons to Hezbollah when pressure increased for an inspection team to visit Syria. Nasrallah said they “decisively and conclusively deny these accusations which have absolutely no basis in truth.”
Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shi’ite group, has been criticized for sending its fighters to the warfront in Syria. Some of its strongholds in Lebanon have been targeted by rocket and bomb attacks. There are fears that its intervention could spill the war over to Lebanon.
Nasrallah acknowledged that they “understand the dimensions and background of these accusations.” He described the accusations as “truly laughable” which have “dangerous consequences for Lebanon.”
In other to end the Syrian war, Hezbollah’s leader urged Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Gulf Arab countries “to review their positions” because “a gamble on a military resolution and on military success is a losing and destructive gamble.” Saudi Arabia and Qatar are spearheading the campaign for support to the rebels.
Major-General Yair Golan, Israel’s commander on their border with Syria, said that “as far as we can tell” chemical weapons have not made their way to Hezbollah from Damascus.

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