Egypt Muslim Brotherhood has chosen one of its leaders, Khairat al-Shater, to run for presidential elections in May, breaking hence an earlier promise to stay out of the race.
Al-Shater, 62, is deputy chairman of the Egyptian Brotherhood which currently dominates the newly elected parliament and the panel set up to draft the new constitution.
He is a civil engineer who became a wealthy businessman. He spent years in prison because of his connection with the Brotherhood, which was previously banned. He was released only last year after the popular uprisings that ousted President Hosni Mubarak.
The jail terms he served were an obstacle for him to run for president, but the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces pardoned him, clearing the way for the ballot.
The decision of the Brotherhood to put up a presidential candidate is fueling serious concerns among Egyptian namely the liberals and the military that the Islamist group could become too powerful and threaten democratic process and freedom.
Egyptian Islamist Bids Candidacy for President