Palestine: Kuwait proposes establishment of international forces between Gaza, Israel

Kuwait has circulated a draft resolution at the United Nations calling for the deployment of international peace keeping forces on the border between Israel and Gaza strip, in the wake of the massacre of 62 Palestinians by the Israeli army on the day of the inauguration of US embassy in Jerusalem.

The Gulf country is currently member of UN Security Council and is expected to receive the backing of the other Arab countries of the UN for the draft resolution.

The proposed forces according to the resolution will be ‘providing international protection to Palestinians’.

At least 62 Palestinians were killed on Monday by the Israeli army near the eastern border with Gaza as thousands of Palestinians in Gaza strip protested against the inauguration of US embassy in the disputed city of Jerusalem.

The massacre drew to Israel worldwide condemnations with many countries calling independent investigation into the killing. Israel has rejected the calls arguing that its forces were defending the border from Gaza ruler Hamas’s “terrorists”.

Israeli ambassador to the UN has lambasted Kuwait’s draft resolution noting that it would rather give protection to Hamas that Israel views as a terrorist group.

“The cynicism and attempts to distort reality have reached a new low,” said Ambassador Danny Danon, in a statement.

“Israel will continue to defend its sovereignty and the security of its citizens against the terror and murderous violence of Hamas.”

Israel expects its ally the US to veto the move as it did Monday after blocking the adoption of a UN statement that sought to call for an independent probe into the situation along the Gaza border.

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